School PTA
working as a community
to enable our children
Minutes - Thursday 8th September 2022
9:00am at Dikes Cafe
Kirsten Farley (chair)
Charlotte Coughlin
Amy Gould
Nancy Bettle (staff)
Hannah Downton
Linda Gould
Vikki Boatswain
Becky Stickland
Kerry-Anne Harris
Katie Catton
Charlotte Roots
Cara wildeman
Steph Hatch
Stephanie Homewood
Carly Jenkins
Sam Messinger
Jennie Pink
A warm welcome was made by the Chair Kirsten Farley, for our first meeting of the new school year.
Approval of the last meeting minutes:
Those present approved the minutes/.
Financial Update
Currently we have £7748.44 in our accounts.
It took 10 months to get signatures changed on the PTA bank accounts due to errors on the Bank side, We have not yet been able to apply for Charitable status.
Hopefully this is something we can have in place to confirm at the AGM. Board members will need to be voted on.
We require a complete list from the school as to what the PTA is expected to pay for annually.
Mrs Bettle said Book Bags for Reception and Year 6 hoodies, and the pool chemicals (which Mr Elledge said is usually paid for with profits from the lolly sales).
If payments are needed, at least 7 days notice is required, as it can take time for the cheque to be signed by 2 signatories as required.
All reimbursements will now be made by Cheque.
The Treasurer will discuss with the bank about having a Debit card and access to online banking.
Events made:
Break The Rules Day – July 2022 - £186.78
Class Reps:
Class Reps are working well. All reps are happy to continue as Reps
Reception – Vikki Boatswain
Year 1 – Charlotte Coughlin
Year 2 – Steph Homewood
Year 3 – Kate Henson
Year 4 – Vikki Boatswain and Becky Stickland
Year 5 – Linda Gould
Year 6 – Sam Messinger
Fundraising Ideas
Mr Elledge has provided the following list of ideas and some date suggestions (I have added some details and thought). As a PTA we are very keen to enable a many of these as we can. We will need specific people to take the lead on particular projects, please.
It would be great to run regular bake sales / hot chocolate stalls after school on a Friday. Is anyone able to commit to overseeing this please.
Reception class parents’ coffee morning – Wednesday 14th September 9.00am
Roald Dahl day -Tuesday 13th - £1 donation to dress up. Funds going to the Library
Help The Head Teacher – Painting the swimming pool fence – Saturday 24th September 2022 – 0930 – 1300
Autumn Dig Day – get flowers / some plants for front of school to brighten it up.
Start requesting seeds and bulbs for planting
Spooktacular Disco – Thursday 20th October - 3.30pm – 5.00pm (£2.50/child) - ? children come in dressed up. Need to get a DJ / parent DJ booked in asap.
Mufti Day – Friday 21st October - ? is this too close to the disco as it’s the next day – or its it a MUFTI day as a treat for the class / house which has achieved something….
Penny for the Guy – themed Mufti Day – Friday 4th November – Guy Faulkes
Bake sale
Christmas Fayre – “buy presents for your parents” / proper fayre with stalls (incl Bottle hoopla / lucky dip / chocolate raffle / fce painting), mulled wine etc. Do we have a stall where children can choose a gift for their parents / siblings which have cost us 50p (or less), but we charge £1 (or more)for? Could have a wrapping up area?
Santa Grotto – as last year – PTA buy a book for each child in the school, and we decorate the outside shelter. FC comes and gives out the gifts / sings a song / tells a story. The classes are on a rolling schedule. Requires 3-4 PTA to set up. Need to order books, and arrange a wrapping day.
Refreshments at the NATIVITY
January 2023
Break The Rules Day!
Bedtime stories – after school if we want more teacher to take part, or early evening if we can facilitate with some teachers and some parents. Book swap. Cookies. Hot Chocolate. Kids move thru different rooms to listen to different stories. In PJs with a cuddly..
Valentines Disco (or another name…) 13th February – 3.30-4.30pm
Parent’s Night out
World Book Day dress up – 2nd March
Spring Dig Day
Spring Fair? – Donation Buckets out. Selling drinks and refreshments / stalls. – after school
Easter Bonnet / Egg decorating / other spring time activities. – how do we charge / fundraise for this?
Egg rolling down the hill competition – 20p/go?
Each class creates an “Egg Scene” and these are displayed in the Hall.
Mufti Day
Summer Sports Day
Summer Fair – stalls / refreshments etc
Lolly Sales
Break The Rules Day
Amazon Smile & Wish List
A link will be resent with the amazon Wishlist.
Mrs Bettle will ask the staff in school for items they would like added to the list, and this will be updated by Kirsten.
Amazon Smile will be set up once we have charitable status.
Preloved Uniform
Friday – 9th Sept at 3.15pm in the school playground
Thank you Linda for continuing to do this. IT is rather urgent now that we get a PTA shed sorted on site (please see point below about the Shed)
We would like to create a Clothing Bank. This will have various elements
Fancy Dress
for people to borrow or swap fancy dress / world book day costumes / Halloween costumes / Christmas Jumpers / Easter costumes / masks/ loose props etc
Essentials (to support our families in the cost of living crisis)
Coats / wellies / trainers / Football boots / shin pads etc / hats / gloves / scarves / bags.
Linda has offered to oversee all of this. But we need to create somewhere it can be stored on the School Site – See point below regarding the Shed.
The school will pay for materials and have a shed on site, we just require the man power to lay the foundation and level the area then erect the shed. Please can we have some volunteers. This is an urgent request.
Charlotte will speak to Claire Hatcher to see if Stalbridge Building supplies would be able to help, with sourcing supplies , and man power.
Volunteers to help make teas/ coffess / get or bake cakes and set up for Reception Coffee Morning
Need to get a date in to get basic training from Steph for face paitning